Now we all know that everyone should be kind to animals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. And we trust that you all are. But in our busy lives, it is important to have a grounding point, a moment, or rather a week where we (along with our family, friends and co-workers) can do something special to honour our animal friends. Indeed, the great humanitarian Ghandi put it well when he said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals.” It is for these reasons and more that we have created ‘Be Kind To Animals Week,’ which runs from October 1-7. And falling during this week on October 4 is World Animal Day, as well as the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. We are now asking you all to call upon your creativity and kindness and plan something special for this very important week.
We hope you will help us spread the message of kindness to all animals by marking this special week. Participation is free and easy!
- Look under Get Involved (on the BKTAW website) for heaps of ideas for easy, but meaningful, activities that individuals, families, schools and businesses can do to help animals.
Maybe your family wants to build a bird bath or your co-workers could clean up a stretch of beach or your students could make toys for shelter animals… don’t feel like you have to use one of our ideas…be creative and have fun! - Inspirational photos and true stories about animals helping animals!
- A calendar of Be Kind to Animals Week activities put on by animal lovers like you. Get your activity on our calendar
and you will motivate and inspire others. No kindness is too small… register your animal-friendly activity online today! - A free way to promote your business or organisation! Make your kindness count by registering your event/activity online and your business or organisation will appear on our calendar (complete with your logo, URL and address).
Did I mention it is free?!
Thank you from all of us animals!
For more information on how to get involved visit:
Be Kind to Animals Week is proud initiative of Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary, modeled with permission on the American Humane Association’s Be Kind to Animals Week®